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GMAT Quants Syllabus

Unveiling the Power-Packed Syllabus for Quantitative Success!

The GMAT quants syllabus is a crucial component of the exam that evaluates the mathematical and analytical skills of prospective business school students. It encompasses various mathematical concepts, problem-solving techniques, and data interpretation skills essential for success in the quantitative section of the GMAT. 

GMAT quants syllabus aims to assess not only the test taker's computational abilities but also their logical reasoning and critical thinking skills. Familiarity with key mathematical concepts such as percentages, ratios, equations, and geometric principles is essential for tackling the challenging quantitative questions encountered in the GMAT. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the GMAT quants syllabus is crucial for test takers aspiring to secure admission to top-tier business schools and pursue successful careers in the field of management.

GMAT Quants Syllabus: An Overview

gmat quants syllabus

The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is a standardized test that assesses a student's analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in English. The GMAT score is one of the most important factors for admission to graduate-level management programs such as MBA. The quantitative section of the GMAT exam evaluates your mathematical and analytical skills. Therefore, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the GMAT Quants syllabus.

Topics Covered in GMAT Quants Syllabus

The GMAT Quantitive Reasoning syllabus consists of two types of questions: Problem-Solving and Data Sufficiency. These questions are designed to evaluate your ability to reason quantitatively, solve mathematical problems, interpret graphical data, and understand basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics and probability. The topics covered in the GMAT Quants syllabus include:

  • Arithmetic: Number systems; Fractions; Decimals; Percentages; Ratio and Proportion; Profit and Loss; Simple Interest and Compound Interest; Speed, Distance and Time.
  • Algebra: Linear Equations; Quadratic Equations; Functions; Inequalities.
  • Geometry: Lines and Angles; Triangles (Congruence & Similarity); Circles (Arcs & Chords); Polygons (Perimeter & Area); Three-Dimensional Figures (Volume & Surface Area).
  • Statistics: Mean, Median & Mode; Standard Deviation.
  • Probability: Basic Concepts of Probability.

Understanding the GMAT quants syllabus

Understanding the GMAT Quants syllabus is crucial for achieving a high score on the exam. Without proper preparation and knowledge of key concepts in mathematics such as arithmetic operations or algebraic equations solving techniques or geometric formulas or statistical analysis methods, or probability theories - you may struggle in this section.

Moreover, having an in-depth understanding of the topics covered in the GMAT Quants syllabus can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to focus on areas where you need improvement. It is also essential to practice regularly with mock tests and previous year's question papers to gain confidence in solving complex problems within a limited time frame.

GMAT Exam Pattern & Format

gmat quants syllabus

Conducted by Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), GMAT is a standardized test that assesses your aptitude for business studies. The GMAT exam pattern comprises four sections: Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), Integrated Reasoning (IR), Quantitative, and Verbal. In this section, we will discuss the GMAT exam pattern and format in detail.

GMAT exam pattern

The GMAT exam consists of four sections, each designed to measure different skills and abilities.

1. Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)

The AWA section tests your ability to analyze an argument and communicate your ideas effectively in writing. You will be given 30 minutes to write one essay on an argument presented in the prompt.

2. Integrated Reasoning (IR)

The IR section measures your ability to evaluate information presented in multiple formats from various sources. This section includes 12 questions that you must complete within 30 minutes. The questions are based on graphics interpretation, table analysis, multi-source reasoning, and two-part analysis.

3. Quantitative

The Quantitative section of the GMAT exam tests your ability to solve mathematical problems and interpret data presented in graphs and charts. This section comprises 31 multiple-choice questions that you must answer within 62 minutes. The questions are divided into two types: problem-solving and data sufficiency.

4. Verbal

The Verbal section evaluates your reading comprehension skills, critical reasoning abilities, and grammatical proficiency. It includes 36 multiple-choice questions that you must complete within 65 minutes. The questions are divided into three types: reading comprehension, critical reasoning and sentence correction.

GMAT exam format

One of the unique features of the GMAT exam is its computer-adaptive format. This means that the difficulty level of the questions adapts to your performance as you progress through the test. If you answer a question correctly, the next question will be slightly more difficult; if you answer incorrectly, the next question will be slightly easier. This ensures that the test accurately measures your abilities and provides a fair assessment of your skills.

The GMAT exam is three hours and seven minutes long, including breaks. You can take two optional eight-minute breaks during the test, one after the AWA section and one after the IR section. The total duration of the test may vary depending on how much time you take for each section.

GMAT Quants Syllabus: Quantitative Reasoning

The GMAT Quantitative Reasoning section is one of the four GMAT sections that test takers need to take during the exam. This section assesses a candidate's ability to understand and analyze quantitative information, solve problems using mathematical concepts, and interpret data presented in graphical or tabular form. The syllabus for this section includes arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis.


Arithmetic is an essential component of the GMAT Quantitative Reasoning syllabus. It covers topics such as percentages, ratios, fractions, decimals, powers and roots. Candidates are expected to have a strong foundation in these concepts as they appear frequently in questions throughout the exam.

  • Number properties
  • Fractions
  • Decimals
  • Percentages
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Profit and loss
  • Simple and compound interest


Algebra is another crucial part of the syllabus. It involves solving equations with one or more variables using various techniques such as factoring and simplification. Candidates must be adept at manipulating algebraic expressions and solving simultaneous equations to excel in this section.

  • Linear equations and inequalities
  • Quadratic equations
  • Exponents and roots
  • Absolute values
  • Functions and their properties
  • Systems of equations


Geometry is also an integral part of the GMAT Quantitative Reasoning syllabus. It encompasses topics like circles, triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons. Candidates must be familiar with basic geometric principles such as Pythagoras' theorem and trigonometry to tackle complex geometry problems effectively.

  • Lines and angles
  • Triangles
  • Quadrilaterals
  • Circles
  • Polygons
  • Coordinate geometry

Data Analysis

Data analysis is another important aspect of this section that tests candidates' ability to interpret charts, graphs and tables accurately. They must be able to analyze data sets efficiently using statistical measures such as mean, median, mode range, standard deviation etc.

  • Ability to analyze statements and determine whether the information provided is sufficient to answer a question

GMAT Quantitative Reasoning Syllabus

The Quantitative Reasoning section of the GMAT Quants Syllabus consists of 31 multiple-choice questions that need to be answered within 62 minutes. The questions are designed to test candidates' skills in problem-solving under pressure with limited time constraints. GMAT Exam is organised by, you can get all GMAT-related information there easily.

GMAT Quantitative (Quant) Syllabus Subsections
Arithmetic Operations and Properties Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Powers, Roots, Averages, Ratios, Proportions
Integer Properties and Number Theory Divisibility, Prime Numbers, Factors, Multiples, LCM, GCD, Odd and Even Integers
Algebra Equations, Inequalities, Absolute Value, Exponents, Functions, Sequences, Systems of Equations
Word Problems Distance, Rate, Time Problems, Work Problems, Mixtures, Age Problems, Interest
Geometry Lines, Angles, Triangles, Circles, Polygons, Quadrilaterals, Coordinate Geometry
Coordinate Geometry Slopes, Equations of Lines, Distance Between Points, Midpoints
Data Interpretation and Statistics Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Standard Deviation, Probability, Counting Techniques
Counting Methods and Probability Permutations, Combinations, Probability, Overlapping Sets
Sequences and Series Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions
Data Sufficiency Analyzing Statements, Solving for Variables, Identifying Sufficient Information

GMAT Quants Syllabus Changes for 2023

gmat quants syllabus

Starting from the 2023 academic year, there will be some updates to the GMAT quants syllabus that candidates should be aware of. These changes are designed to ensure that the test remains a valid measure of a candidate's quantitative abilities. However, GMAT free resources are more than enough to get you through.

Firstly, there will be an increased focus on topics related to data analysis, such as descriptive statistics and regression analysis. Candidates will be required to demonstrate their understanding of how to analyze large datasets using statistical software tools such as Excel or R.

Secondly, there will be an emphasis on problem-solving skills in real-world scenarios. This means that candidates can expect questions related to financial management or marketing research where they must apply their mathematical knowledge in practical situations.

Lastly, there will also be an increased focus on critical thinking skills. Candidates must not only know how to solve mathematical problems but also understand why certain solutions are more appropriate than others.

Tips for Preparing for the GMAT Quants Syllabus

gmat quants syllabus

Candidates who plan on taking the GMAT exam after 2023 should prepare themselves for the updated GMAT syllabus and prepare a plan. They can do this by taking online courses, attending classes or using study materials that specifically address the new topics. Candidates can practice their problem-solving and critical thinking skills by solving real-world business problems.

Tips for Preparing for the GMAT Quants Syllabus

  • Understand the Fundamentals: Ensure you have a solid grasp of fundamental math concepts, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and word problems. Review the basics before moving on to more complex topics.
  • Organize Your Study Plan: Create a study schedule that allocates time to each topic in the syllabus. Be realistic about the time you can dedicate each day and stick to your plan consistently.
  • Use Official GMAT Material: The GMAT Official Guide contains real past questions, which can give you a sense of the types of questions you'll encounter. Focus on these questions for practice.
  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice is key. Solve a variety of problems from different topics to build a well-rounded skillset. Start with easier questions and gradually move to more challenging ones.
  • Review Mistakes: Analyze your mistakes thoroughly. Understand why you made them and learn from them. Mistakes are opportunities for growth and improvement.
  • Learn Time Management: The GMAT Quantitative section is time-bound. Practice solving problems within the allotted time to improve your pacing during the actual exam.
  • Focus on Problem-Solving: The GMAT doesn't test your ability to perform complex calculations but your ability to apply math concepts to real-world scenarios. Focus on problem-solving strategies and logical reasoning.
  • Master Data Sufficiency: Data Sufficiency questions can be tricky. Practice this question type extensively to become comfortable with analyzing statements and determining sufficiency.
  • Use Resourceful Materials: Along with official GMAT materials, consider using other reliable resources such as test prep books and online platforms that offer a variety of practice questions and explanations.
  • Simulate Test Conditions: When you practice, try to replicate test conditions as closely as possible. Practice under timed conditions to build your test-taking stamina.
  • Seek Guidance When Needed: If you encounter difficulties with certain topics, don't hesitate to seek help from tutors, online forums, or study groups.
  • Stay Confident: Believe in your ability to improve. Consistent effort and effective study strategies will lead to progress.

Expert-recommended tips to cover the GMAT quants syllabus: 

  • The GMAT quants section can be challenging, but with regular practice, you can improve your speed and accuracy. The key is to practice consistently and systematically. You should aim to complete as many practice questions as possible, focusing on the areas where you need the most improvement.
  • One effective strategy is to use a timer when practising. Set a time limit for each question and try to solve it within that time frame. This will help you get used to the pace of the actual exam and improve your time management skills.
  • Another useful tip is to review your mistakes carefully. Take note of the types of questions you struggle with and work on improving those areas specifically. Use online resources such as video tutorials or forums to seek guidance from experts or other test-takers.

Mastering The GMAT Quants Syllabus

gmat quants syllabus

The GMAT quants section is one of the most crucial parts of the exam that requires mastering. A strong baseline score in the quantitative section is essential for success in the GMAT. The quantitative reasoning section tests a candidate's ability to analyze data and solve complex problems. It also measures their ability to reason mathematically, understand mathematical concepts, and interpret graphical data.

Online prep companies offer comprehensive resources to help students improve their quantitative skills. These resources include practice questions, online video lessons, and diagnostic exams that can help identify areas of weakness. Students can also access live online classes with experienced instructors who can provide personalized guidance on how to tackle different types of GMAT quants syllabus problems.

The integrated reasoning and verbal sections also require strong quantitative skills to excel. In the integrated reasoning section, candidates must be able to analyze complex data sets and make decisions based on that information. In the verbal reasoning section, candidates may encounter questions that require them to calculate percentages or ratios as part of their answers.

The GMAT quants syllabus consists of 31 multiple-choice questions that must be answered within 62 minutes. The questions are designed to test a wide range of mathematical concepts, including algebra, geometry, arithmetic, probability, and statistics. Candidates should aim for a score above 50% in this section, as it is considered a good baseline score.

The GMAT quant score ranges from 0-60 and is calculated based on the number of correct answers given by the candidate. The difficulty level of each question is taken into account while calculating scores so that harder questions carry more weight than easier ones.

To excel in the GMAT quants syllabus, candidates should adopt a timing strategy that allows them to complete all questions within the allotted time frame. They should aim to spend no more than two minutes on each question and prioritize easier questions over harder ones. GMAT preparation is a crucial thing and must be considered rationally.


In conclusion, mastering the GMAT Quants syllabus is crucial for achieving a high score on the GMAT exam. The key topics covered in this section include algebra, geometry, arithmetic, and data analysis. It is important to have a solid understanding of these concepts and practice problem-solving skills through various types of questions, such as problem-solving and data sufficiency.

To prepare for the test and all, it is recommended that you start by familiarizing yourself with the exam pattern and format. You can then create a study plan that includes reviewing key concepts, practising with sample questions, and taking mock tests.

Ready to conquer the GMAT Quant Syllabus and secure your place in a prestigious business program? Look no further. At MiM-Essay, we're here to guide you through the intricacies of the GMAT Quant Syllabus with expert insights and proven strategies. 

How is GMAT syllabus divided?

GMAT Syllabus is hierarchically arranged into four distinct classifications – Analysis Writing, Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Reasoning and Integrated Reasoning. These designations provide a comprehensive assessment of aptitudes and competencies within the various media.


Does the GMAT syllabus change each year?

The answer is typically no with respect to exam content and format, it remains essentially static. However, there are instances wherein minor adjustments have been made which may require test-takers to be aware of recent official announcements or GMAT updates.


How many attempts are allowed in GMAT?

To gain admission to an elite academic institution, it is imperative to possess a competitive GMAT score. Prospective students can take the exam up to two times and as long as they achieve satisfactory results, their scores will remain valid for five years.


How many hours one should study for GMAT?

To succeed on the GMAT, it is essential to devote a substantial amount of time to studying. Estimate two-to-three months in all for those who plan to devote nearly 120 hours reviewing material and regularly practicing so as not to become fatigued by test day.


Know Your Author
Photo of Abhyank
Abhyank Srinet
Study Abroad Expert
Abhyank Srinet, the founder of, is a globally recognized expert in study abroad and admission consulting.His passion lies in helping students navigate the complex world of admissions and achieve their academic dreams. Having earned a Master's degree in Management from ESCP Europe, Abhyank's expertise in data-driven marketing strategies has driven growth for some of the most competitive industries. As the founder of, he has helped thousands of students get into top business schools with a strong emphasis on research, shortlisting, and applying to schools from a single platform. His dedication to education has also led him to create MentR-Me, a free-to-use social platform that simplifies the study abroad process for students, while providing universities with a powerful recruitment tool. As a leader in the field of admission consulting, he is constantly researching and implementing the latest strategies to ensure that his clients receive the best possible guidance. He leads the Business Development and Digital Marketing side of both companies, and has grown both ventures to 7 figure revenue.His unique insights, experience, and dedication to his clients make him a valuable resource for anyone seeking to advance their education or career.
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