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Manchester MBA Application: Essays, Interview Questions & Deadlines

Are you considering pursuing an MBA at the University of Manchester? If so, you've made a wise choice! Manchester is a vibrant city with a rich history and a thriving business community. The University of Manchester is renowned for its academic excellence and its MBA program is no exception. However, before you can begin your MBA journey, you'll need to complete the application process, which includes submitting Manchester MBA essay.

Essay Analysis 

When it comes to applying for the Manchester MBA program, the admissions team wants to get to know you beyond your resume and test scores. That's where the Manchester MBA essay come in - they're an opportunity for you to showcase your personality, goals, and experiences.

Essay 1

What are your professional goals and how will an MBA from Manchester help you achieve them? (max 500 words)
It's all about you and your goals. The admissions committee is interested in learning about your career goals and how a Manchester MBA will help you accomplish them. This essay gives you the opportunity to describe your dreams, ambitions, and plans for achieving them. You can discuss your previous experiences, present talents, and how an MBA from Manchester can assist you in closing the gap between where you are and where you want to go.

Essay 2

Describe a situation where you failed to achieve an objective, and what you learned from it. (max 500 words)
It is about your ability to reflect and learn from your mistakes. The admission committee is interested in understanding how you deal with failure and what you do to learn from it. You can share a situation where you faced a setback, what you learned from it, and how you applied that learning to future situations. This essay is an opportunity to showcase your resilience, adaptability, and learning mindset.

Optional Essay

Is there any additional information that you think the Admissions Committee should know when considering your application? (max 300 words)

The Manchester MBA program also provides an optional essay for candidates to address any gaps in their academic or professional background. Candidates can use this essay to explain any career breaks, low GPA, or any other factors that may affect their candidacy. However, the admission committee advises against using this essay as a platform to reiterate information already provided in the application or make excuses for any shortcomings.

Specialized Manchester MBA Essay Tips

The Manchester MBA essay values innovation, originality, and social responsibility. To demonstrate these values in the application, candidates should consider the following tips while preparing Manchester MBA essays:

1. Show evidence of innovative thinking and creativity in your essays.
2. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the business challenges and opportunities in your target industry or region.
3. Highlight your leadership skills and how you have made a positive impact in your professional or personal life.
4. Show how you have applied ethical principles in your decision-making and problem-solving.
5. Discuss your involvement in social or environmental initiatives that align with Manchester MBA's values.
6. Showcase your communication skills by presenting a clear and persuasive argument in your essays.
7. Provide specific examples to support your claims and avoid generic statements.
8. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your essay responses.
9. Use active voice and avoid jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to the admission committee.
10. Proofread your essays carefully to avoid any grammatical or spelling errors.

Manchester MBA Essay Tips for Indian Students 

Indian students applying to the Manchester MBA program may face additional challenges due to cultural differences and academic backgrounds. To improve their chances of admission, Indian candidates should consider the following tips while preparing Manchester MBA essays: 

1. Highlight international exposure

Manchester MBA program values diversity and international exposure. Therefore, Indian students should highlight any experience they have of working or studying abroad, proficiency in foreign languages, and cross-cultural communication skills. This can demonstrate their ability to work in a global setting, understand different perspectives and collaborate effectively with colleagues from different cultures.

2. Emphasize academic achievements

Indian students are known for their strong academic background, especially in quantitative subjects such as mathematics, engineering, and technology. Therefore, Indian candidates should highlight in Manchester MBA essays - their academic achievements and how they can bring their analytical and problem-solving skills to their MBA program.

3. Explain gaps in academic or professional background

Indian students may face challenges such as career breaks or low GPAs due to various reasons. In this case, it is essential to explain these gaps in their academic or professional background. Candidates should avoid making excuses and instead explain how they have used these experiences as an opportunity to learn and grow.

4. Discuss Manchester MBA aligns with career goals

Manchester MBA program emphasizes career goals and how an MBA degree can help candidates achieve them. Indian students should clearly define their career goals and explain how an MBA from Manchester in Manchester MBA essays. This can help them achieve those goals. Candidates should also show how they can contribute to the Manchester MBA community.

5. Showcase leadership and teamwork skills by providing examples

Leadership and teamwork skills are essential for any MBA program, including Manchester. Indian students should showcase their leadership and teamwork skills by providing specific examples from their work or extracurricular activities. Candidates should highlight how they have led teams, solved problems, and achieved results.

Interview Questions

As one of the best MBA colleges in UK, it requires a good amount of attention to handle Manchester MBA interview questions. There are two sets of sample questions, and each group has a distinct focus. The first series of questions aims to determine how well the candidate fits the program, while the second set is concerned with the applicant's past experiences in both their personal and professional lives. Let's examine each set of inquiries more closely.


1. Can you tell me about yourself?
2. What inspired you to pursue an MBA?
3. Why MBA from Manchester?
4. How have your previous experiences prepared you for an MBA program?
5. What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
6. What specific skills or knowledge do you hope to gain from an MBA program?
7. Can you give an example of a time when you demonstrated leadership?
8. How do you keep up with industry trends and advancements?
9. Can you describe a challenging situation you faced and how you overcame it?
10. How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively?

Specialized Tips for SET 1

To answer the first set of questions, it is important to do your research on Manchester MBA interview questions. This will help you understand the program's unique features, such as its curriculum, faculty, and culture. In addition, make sure to articulate your career goals clearly and how Manchester Business School can help you achieve them. Follow the tips mentioned below to answer the questions of the first set:

Be yourself: While it's important to prepare for the interview, don't try to be someone you're not. Speak from the heart and let your personality shine through.
Be specific: When answering questions, try to provide specific examples to support your answers. This will demonstrate that you have practical experience and can apply what you've learned.
Research the program: Make sure you've done your homework on the MBA program at Manchester. This will show that you're genuinely interested and have taken the time to learn about the school.
Connect your past experiences to your future goals: When answering questions about your past experiences, tie them in with your future goals. This will show the interviewer that you have a clear vision for your career and how an MBA can help you achieve it.
Be confident, but humble: Confidence is important, but it's equally important to be humble. Show that you're open to learning and growing and that you're willing to work hard to achieve your goals.


1. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement, and why?
2. How do you deal with conflict in a team environment?
3. What motivates you to pursue an MBA, and why did you choose Manchester Business School?
4. How do you handle a situation where a team member is not meeting expectations?
5. Can you give an example of a time when you had to think creatively to solve a problem?
6. How do you approach decision-making in high-pressure situations?
7. Can you describe a time when you had to adapt to a new and unfamiliar situation?
8. How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively?
9. Can you give an example of a project you led and how you managed the team to achieve success?
10. How do you stay up to date with industry developments and trends?

Specialized Tips for SET 2

Here are five specialized tips to help you prepare for Manchester MBA interview questions SET 2:

Be specific with your examples: When answering questions, it's important to provide specific examples from your past experiences. This helps demonstrate your ability to apply your skills and knowledge in real-world situations. Try to provide details and outcomes to show the impact you had.
Show your leadership skills: Many of the questions in SET 2 will be designed to assess your leadership potential. Make sure to showcase your ability to lead and inspire a team. Highlight situations where you had to take charge and make difficult decisions.
Emphasize your teamwork skills: Business schools want to admit candidates who can work well in a team. Make sure to emphasize your ability to collaborate and communicate effectively. Highlight times when you had to work with diverse groups of people and how you navigated any challenges.
Demonstrate your strategic thinking: Business schools are looking for candidates who can think critically and strategically. Make sure to showcase your ability to analyze situations, weigh options, and make informed decisions. Be prepared to discuss your approach to problem-solving.
Show your passion for learning: Business schools want candidates who are curious and eager to learn. Show that you are committed to personal and professional growth by discussing how you have pursued learning opportunities in the past, and how you plan to continue doing so during your MBA program. This could include discussing books you have read, workshops you have attended, or courses you have taken.

Set 1  Set 2 
Can you tell me about yourself? How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively?
What inspired you to pursue an MBA? What do you consider to be your greatest achievement, and why?
Why MBA from Manchester? How do you deal with conflict in a team environment?
How have your previous experiences prepared you for an MBA program? What motivates you to pursue an MBA, and why did you choose Manchester Business School?
What are your short-term and long-term career goals?  How do you handle a situation where a team member is not meeting expectations?
What specific skills or knowledge do you hope to gain from an MBA program? Can you give an example of a time when you had to think creatively to solve a problem?
Can you give an example of a time when you demonstrated leadership? How do you approach decision-making in high-pressure situations?
How do you keep up with industry trends and advancements? Can you describe a time when you had to adapt to a new and unfamiliar situation?
Can you describe a challenging situation you faced and how you overcame it? Can you give an example of a project you led and how you managed the team to achieve success?
How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively?  How do you stay up to date with industry developments and trends?

Deadlines and When to Apply 

When considering when to apply in best MBA Colleges in UK, it's important to be aware of the deadlines that are set by institutions or organizations. These deadlines are not just arbitrary dates; they are carefully chosen to allow for the necessary administrative work and to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Missing a deadline can sometimes mean missing out on an opportunity altogether, so it's critical to plan ahead. As you prepare to apply, whether it's for education, a job, or any other opportunity, make sure to mark these dates on your calendar and give yourself ample time to complete your application to avoid last-minute rushes.

Starting early can also give you the advantage of addressing any unexpected issues that might arise during the application process.

Rounds  Deadlines
Round 1  7 January 2024
Round 2  4 February 2024
Round 3  3 March 2024
Round 4  7 April 2024


In conclusion, the application process for the Manchester MBA is straightforward and designed to understand you as both a professional and an individual. Through Manchester MBA essay, you have the opportunity to showcase your motivations and how you envision contributing to and growing within the Manchester MBA community.

The interview questions aim to bring your application to life, offering a platform for dialogue where your unique attributes can shine. Finally, being mindful of the deadlines is crucial to ensure your application is considered. Approach each step with clarity and authenticity, and you will have laid the groundwork for a strong application to this competitive program.



Know Your Author
Photo of Rohit
Rohit Rajaram
Study Abroad Expert
Rohit is a results-driven individual with a strong background in Education Mentorship, Program Management and Business Development. Holding a Master's degree in Management from ESCP Business School in Paris, Rohit combines academic excellence with extensive industry experience. Throughout his career, Rohit has consistently delivered exceptional results, driving sales, increasing turnover, and achieving targets. Known for his strategic acumen, Rohit formulates and executes successful business strategies, enhancing operational quality, customer satisfaction and key bottonline drivers. As the Co-Founder of MiM-Essay, a leading Early Career Degrees application consulting company, Rohit has successfully mentored over 10,000+ students, enabling them to secure admissions in top-ranked schools worldwide with significant scholarships. Under his leadership, the company has maintained high-quality service and exceptional client satisfaction rates. With expertise in analytics, product development and business excellence, Rohit has successfully driven the success of various initiatives. Committed to constant innovation, he is expanding the company's offerings by introducing digital and technology-powered products for comprehensive education solutions.
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