Columbia MBA students are offered many resources to help them find a job that they love. These resources can help them succeed in a wide range of career paths. For example, if you are interested in working in fields like social enterprise, finance, marketing, or consulting, Columbia's Career Management Center.
Career Development Support and Resources at Columbia Business School
1. Tamer Center for Social Enterprise Collaboration:
The Tamer Center collaborates with student clubs to organize seminars, panels, and informational sessions on social enterprise careers.
- Annual events like the Tamer Center Reception facilitate networking opportunities between students and alumni and foster connections within the social enterprise community.
- Students benefit from access to alumni networks, professionals, and other valuable resources, enhancing their understanding and exploration of social enterprise careers.
- The Tamer Center, in collaboration with the CMC, offers tailored support to students in career transitions and job searches, whether on campus or pursuing entrepreneurial ventures.
- Partnering with student clubs like Social Enterprise, Green Business, and Microlumbia, the center sources and promotes summer internships and full-time opportunities aligned with students' interests and career goals.
2. Student Club Initiatives:
Student clubs at Columbia Business School actively organize career events, including annual conferences and alumni panels, that focus on social and environmental impact.
These clubs also arrange group discussions, networking opportunities, office visits, and city treks, providing students with diverse avenues to explore career themes and connect with industry professionals.
3. Career Management Center (CMC) Support:
The Career Management Center facilitates job announcements and internship postings through the Career Online Information Network (COIN), benefiting both current students and alumni. Students are also regularly updated via listservs on job opportunities, pro bono consulting projects, and career presentations, ensuring they stay informed about relevant career resources.
4. Comprehensive Workshops and Resources:
Columbia Business School hosts workshops covering various aspects of career development, including understanding the social and environmental impact landscape and effective networking strategies.
Students are directed to resources specific to their functional areas and industries of interest, empowering them with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate their career paths effectively.
Access to Detailed Resources: To access more detailed career resources tailored for Columbia MBAs, students can log in using their CBS (myGSB) ID and password, unlocking additional opportunities and support services.
NOTE: To access more detailed career resources for Columbia MBAs, you will need to log in using your current CBS (myGSB) ID and password. Here's the link for the same - Columbia MBA Career Resources
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